Trail 9: St. Engracia – Gorge (Foz) of Biniés

This route, which is 13 km long, can be done on foot, in 4×4 (from Santa Engracia) or in a normal car (from Biniés).

From the small village of Santa Engracia there is a trail that takes us through large areas of farmland and the Linás ravine before reaching Biniés. Along this part of the route, we will be able to see the birdlife found in the country, in open or unirrigated areas such as Skylark, Crested Lark, Thekla Lark, Corn Bunting, Little Owl, Linnet, Great Grey Shrike, Common Kestrel, Barn Swallow, Hoopoe, Montagu’s Harrier, Woodchat Shrike and Red-legged Partridge.

On reaching Biniés, we take the road climbing up along the Veral riverbank. It is dotted with the small brush typical of this river, along with mixed woodland with holm oaks, oaks and pine trees, with the Mediterranean vegetation blending in perfect harmony with the Atlantic environment. The limestone gradually gives shape to vertical walsls rising to more than 200 metres in heigth. We have arrived at the Conservation Area of Foz de Biniés, a Natural Area covering 2440 ha where it is possible to see Griffon Vulture, Lammergeier, Golden Eagle, Peregrine Falcon, Egyptian Vulture, Alpine Swift, Common Rock Thrush, Crag Martin, Wallcreeper, Dipper, Cirl Bunting, Long-tailed Tit and Grey Wagtail.



Difficulty: Low

Medio 1 The environment is not without risk.
Itinerario 1 The route is fairly flat.
Desplazamiento 1 Paths and crossroads clearly marked.
Esfuerzo 2 Walks effectively lasting 1 to 3 hours.


Click on the path to see the trail; you can use the buttons + / - to zoom on the map. Certified accomodations are marked with their color type (excellent, high, medium and basic).