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Golden Oriole
Ecosystems: RIPARIAN
Seasons: March | April | May | June | August | September |
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Oriolus oriolus
FAMILY: Oriolidae
The male is a very colourful bird, with a bright yellow body contrasting with the black in its wings and part of the tail. However, the female bird’s greenish-yellow tinge is more cryptic. The Golden Oriole can be distinguished from a distance owing to its smooth, undulating flight, and above all for its call, which can be heard from more than a kilometre away.
STATUS IN ARAGON: E Nr (Summer visitor – Breeds regularly)
BREEDING PROBABILITY: Breeding highly likely
LOCAL STATUS: Summer visitor
MONTHS: April to September
ECOSYSTEMS: Riverside - Forest
DIET AND FEEDING: The Oriole is a forest bird, with a preference for deciduous woodland with oaks and shrubs. It feeds on beetles, caterpillars, butterflies, spiders, molluscs and fruit.
HABITS: It is a summer visitor to these parts, staying from April to September. Once the breeding season comes to an end in July, the Golden Oriole stops singing and is difficult to see. In La Jacetania it can be found at altitudes of up to 1000 metres.
THREAT OF EXTINCTION + CRITERION: CNEA (National Catalogue of Endangered Species): Not classified: CREA: Not included
ROUTES: 10 and 11 (Scrubland along the River Aragón)
SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION: Riverside woodland, submediterranean woodland.