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Red-backed Shrike


Seasons: June | July | August | September |

Photographer: Juan Carlos AlberoRed-backed Shrike environments


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lanius collurio

FAMILY: Lanidae

This is the smallest member of the family of shrikes, with habits that have more in common with raptors than with the order of Passeriformes to which they belong. The male is striking with its grey head, black stripe through the eye and reddish-brown back. The female is mainly brown with black vermiculated markings on the breast. It hunts small reptiles, mammals, birds and insects, which it likes to impale on the thorns of roses and brambles so that it can eat them later. The shrike is a summer visitor that migrates to tropical Africa in autumn via the Bosphorus and the valley of the Nile, travelling around 20,000 km a year.

STATUS IN ARAGON: E Nr (Summer visitor – Breeds regularly)

BREEDING PROBABILITY: Breeding highly likely


LOCAL STATUS: Summer visitor

MONTHS: June to September

ECOSYSTEMS: Pastures, meadows and crops. - forest

DIET AND FEEDING: An expert hunter of grasshoppers and beetles, it can also eat other insects, such as bees, wasps, and spiders.

HABITS: From the Iberian Peninsula it does not fly due south in its search for warmer climes. It traces an arc along the Mediterranean until it reaches the Bosphorus (Turkey), then continues along the Mediterranean Sea; and from the mouth of the Nile, it turns south and flies on to Kenya, Tanzania or Zambia.

THREAT OF EXTINCTION + CRITERION: CNEA (National Catalogue of Endangered Species): Not classified: CREA: Sensitive to changes in its habitat

ROUTES:: 3 (Zuriza - Achar de Alano), 4 (Selva de Oza), 8a (Somport) and 8b (Canal Roya)

SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION: Lakes and wetlands, Mediterranean high mountain scrubland, submediterranean scrubland, open cultivated country.